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Complex Cases - how to achieve successful outcomes

Published: 24th March 2016 at 13:37:03

Complex Cases – how to achieve successful outcomes


Excellent outcomes are achieved with tireless and thorough reparation.

In complex fraud cases there may be many thousands of pages of exhibits and evidence and these all need to be considered carefully with the client. We have a dedicated team experienced in complex fraud cases with trials lasting many days or several weeks.

In murder, sexual assaults including rape and serious physical assaults we analyse all witness evidence, forensic evidence and engage our own experts to comment on that evidence obtained by the prosecution when appropriate.

In the Crown Court legal aid is often available for a defendant unless the defendant/defendants are wealthy and legal aid can be utilised for the various experts fees required. In many cases the financial contribution is capped at £900 per month for a period of 6 months.

For further information and advice please contact a member of our crime team.


March 2016